Wednesday, May 13, 2020


A myriad of fast-moving vitreous vessels pours off the accumulation zone onto the combiner belts in an unending stream. With seconds to spare, how do you spot the single broken bottle amid thousands of its intact fellows, before it zips around the corner?

With your ears, of course!

A broken bottle sounds different than a structurally sound bottle, standing out against a din of virtually identical clinking noises. (Ear protection required, of course, because it is literally deafening.) After that, it takes but a keen eye. Yet your eye better be keen: Those busted buggers can still be very sneaky, with just one little piece broken out!

Other times it's just the ratty ass-end of a bottle going down the line, sans top, which is easy to spot, along with sundry other bits. No, it's those nearly-whole individuals who are the toughest to spot and appear almost... normal. Until they get to the filler, that is, where my coworker asserts, "That will hold... not even an ounce of beer!"

It's just part of the job at a beverage (in this case, alcoholic) company.

Below: A nice happy factory churning out pallets of beer and cider, in packaging of all colors

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