Sunday, May 10, 2020

Potus Retrospect

Being in online witch-oriented groups is interesting. In exploring posts, one capers about atwixt anything from, "I had this dream, can you help me interpret it?" to, "Check out this pentacle I made!" to, "How do I hex my ex?"

Now and then someone asks, "I'm making my first book of shadows. Does anyone have any good ideas, or feel like sharing theirs?"

It's a good chance to share what my Potions book of shadows looks like, why it's so damn awesome, and why I miss working on it. I have so many entries to make!

I love this stuff. It looks right out of one of Snape's workbooks, if not quite on as sophisticated a level. Let us not forget it was the inspiration of Snape and his famous book of doctored formulae that led me to create Potus and its equally impressive, thick-spined fellow tomes in the first place.

I posted this photo to illustrate one use of collage in handwritten books: In this case, a label from a bag of tea of the kind I used to sell at the apothecary. I highly doubt Snape would tolerate the addition of such foofery, but that is where he and I differ!

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