Saturday, February 9, 2019

Magic Numbers

That is just too weird!!!!!!!!

Lots of witches and mages, including me, ascribe significance to different numbers. Times and dates are big of course, with 11:11 being among the most prominent. Just as we learn to keep eyes and senses out for other signs, we learn to spot numbers.

Tonight a number popped up in an odd way, during a rather dull (all right, say "meditative") activity. Among the many things I feel I need to do before a blank Century Tome is ready for my personal use, besides sticking in pretty cover flyleaves and making sure all the glue is sound, is pagination --- page numbers. As you can imagine, for a long book this can seem tedious. I feel it's necessary precisely because of this length, however, because riding on the back of page numbers, it's then possible to add an index. A book hundreds of pages long, full of random crap entered by date? Uh, yeah. Trust me, you want a friggin' index.

Anyway, I left one page in front for the title and its design, or simply as a grace page, then began putting tiny numbers on every page corner. Now, I don't plan these books' lengths in any way; along with stacks of sketch paper, I mixed in a random number of pieces of pretty colored scrapbook backing pages as I fancied, in no special order, sewn together in six equally random, estimated-by-eyeball signatures.

Yet my paginating efforts ended smack on Page 700. (The final page, like its cousins in the front, was a soft flyleaf of decorative herbal paper that doesn't count.)

Weird !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there any significance to such a wackily perfect number? Who knows. I do know that seven is a rather magically loaded number, and here we have a multiple, so perhaps this book is simply welcoming my magic and telling me to not hold back in embellishing its pages. Time will tell!

Above: A wonderful example of a designer Potions kit and book in one! My practical mind can't help but point out the awkward aspects of carrying and shelving a book like this, in light of how easily those little bottles might get caught on other books, bumped or broken; besides, I'd need a lot more bottles. But this thing certainly looks wicked, and the idea of a combined kit and book holds lots of potential for creativity!

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